White Point Swash
White Point Swash
Due to the complete stop of flow in and out of White Point Swash in the last few days, the Town requested a meeting with all interested parties to discuss options. Tuesday morning representatives from Horry County and its consultant, North Myrtle Beach, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Town of Briarcliffe Acres, and Briarcliffe Acres Association attended. A representative from Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) did not attend.
The lack of flow and flushing of the water in the swash area has resulted in increased pollution and higher salinity in that area. Plant life is also dying.
Although we received permission from the Corps of Engineers to open up the channel, drain the swash down to normal levels, and permit water exchange in the swash to restart during the meeting, OCRM did not approve the action. OCRM is close to approving our application for restoration of the dunes and swash to their historical position and level and are hesitant to approve a temporary measure.
OCRM and DHEC are in discussions today. If they can complete the approval process for the original permit request within the next two or three weeks, then it is beneficial to wait for that before we reopen the swash. We should know Wednesday or Thursday where they stand. If their approval process is going to extend into May, then we feel certain they will issue an approval for us to reopen the swash in the next week or so.
We expect the Corps of Engineers approval of the ten- year permit in mid May. Unfortunately, since Turtle Nesting Season is May 1 - October 31, this will be too late for us to restore the dunes this spring. Removal of the sandbar and restoration of the dunes will not happen before December. All government entities involved are supportive and we should be able to restore flow to the swash shortly.
Huston Huffman, Mayor
Town Meeting February 26, 2018 - Agenda
Town Meeting Monday, February 26, 2018
4:00 pm Town Office
Consent Agenda: January Minutes and Financial Statement
Security Report: Chief Lamparter
Old Business:
Vote on bid packages:
#2017-03 Gate Cameras (vote to amend FY 2017-2018 budget) to accommodate low bid (ASG) work to begin in 2018
#2018-01 - Paving Roads
#2018-02 - Sealing Roads
1st Reading Amend Ordinance #2014-08: Enforcement Officer _ Chapter 32 Zoning _Sec. 32 - 135 _ Title Only
1st Reading Art III Sec. 6-46 _ Fee Schedule _ Building and Building Regulations, incorporate Horry County changes to brochure _ Title Only
Vote on engagement of Town Attorney
New Business:
Approve agreement with Coastal Carolina University (CCU): To install and maintain a camera to monitor White Point Swash
Activity Reports from Council Members and Clerk:
Public Input:
Announcement of next meeting:
Workshop 4:00pm Monday, March 12, 2018 Town Office
Town Meeting 4:00pm March 19, 2018 Town Office
Fire Wise Event - April 28, 2018
Dear Briarcliffe Acres Property Owner:
We are pleased to announce that the Town of Briarcliffe Acres, in cooperation with the South Carolina Forestry Commission and the North Myrtle Beach Fire Department, will conduct its annual Fire Wise Event on Saturday, the 28th of April.
Debris pickup will begin on the 28th and continue until complete. If you or your contractor choose to begin clean-up for Fire Wise earlier than the 14th, please stage it on your lot, away from the Town’s right of ways.
The contractor will be trimming right of ways and the canopies the week before Fire Wise begins.
More complete details will be sent to you and posted on the Town website in March.
Huston Huffman
Council Workshop February 20, 2018 - Agenda
Council Workshop Tuesday, February 20, 2018
4:00 pm Town Office
Swash update:
Mayor Huffman Update on recent meetings/permits issued
Bid packages #2018-01: Open and review packages Sealing and Paving
Bid Package #2018-03: Fire Wise Ad and bids out on February 14
Bid Package #2017-03: Update status on Gate Cameras Bid
Chapter 32 Zoning: Chief Lamparter Discuss change to Ordinance as it pertains to Zoning Chapter 32. See attached
Chapter 6 Building and Amend fee schedule for Art. III Sec. 6-46. See attached Building Regulations:
Facebook: Feasibility and need of the Town to establish a Facebook page
Chief Lamparter Consideration - Use for Town
Discussion on Clerk research Use for small municipalities and local (Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside)
Activity Reports:
Public Input:
Announcement of next meeting: Town Meeting 4:00pm Monday, February 26, 2018 Town Office
Executive Session: Discuss legal matters
Return to Regular Session:
Special Meeting Thursday Jan 18, 2018 -Agenda
Special Meeting Thursday, January 18, 2018
4:00 pm Town Office
Old Business:
Adopt Resolution #2018-02 Oppose seismic drilling
Public Input:
Town Meeting Jan. 16, 2018 - Agenda
Town Meeting Tuesday, January 16, 2017
4:00 pm Town Office
Consent Agenda:
November and December Minutes, December Financial Statement
Security Report:
Chief Lamparter
Old Business:
Oaths - Election Commission (1) and Planning Commission (2)
Mayor Pro-Tem - Vote
Treasurer - Vote
Discuss and review bid package(s) #2017-03 Gate Cameras
New Business:
Proclamation - To honor Sheila Hamilton
Resolution #2018-01 Attorney billing
Discuss challenge to seismic testing and drilling in Atlantic Coastal Waters (SC Coast) and SCELP
Activity Reports from Council Members and Clerk:
Public Input:
Announcement of next meeting:
Workshop 4:00pm Monday, February 12, 2018 Town Office
Town Meeting 4:00pm Tuesday, February 20, 2018 Town Office
Council Workshop Monday Jan. 8, 2018 - Agenda
Council Workshop Monday, January 8, 2018
4:00 pm Town Office
State Ethics Commission:
Annual reports due by Council Packets
Final status - Share letter from Scott & Company
Email addresses:
Discuss individual email with Town domain
Bid Package #2017-03:
Open and review bid packages - Gate Cameras
Committee Representatives:
Discuss new member responsibilities (Mayor)
Planning Commission:
Two nominees provided by John Leiter, Chairman, Planning Commission - Oaths taken on January 16, 2018
Activity Reports:
Public Input:
Announcement of next meeting:
Town Meeting 4:00pm Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Town Office
Executive Session:
Discuss legal and personnel matters
Return to Regular Session: